janestedtalk.com - TEDx Talk - Complicated Courage

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When I was accepted for one of the most prestigious TEDx venues in the U.S., the idea of an outdoor amphitheater in the midst of a pandemic with a 1,000+ audience in Florida seemed perfect. Boca Raton, South Florida, at the end of January should have been a balmy 70 degrees. When I had decided to wear a navy blue blazer on stage, I was concerned about hot lights, humidity, and adrenaline all threatening to soak my clothes. The event organizers had stated that since this was going to be held at an outdoor am

Matt from soundcheck popped over to ensure my mic was still intact. “We need one more check. Check, check, check.” He gave me a thumbs-up as he walked away.

“Please welcome Jane Epstein to the stage.”