jaiunrevee.com - Hoodies | J’ai un rêve

Description: J'ai un rêve is not just a brand it's a concept that aims to attract people with positive vibes and hard working dreamers, to create a community of believers whom believe that they can achieve any thing in life. our goal is to translate this into a fashionable high quality street wear items for you dreamers . J’ai un rêve ....

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I have a dream...every and each one of us has a dream, whether it's big or small it's your dream and it's your time to make it reality.

J’ai un rêve is our dream, a dream that was born during hard times, Covid-19, quarantine and exceptional circumstances, this dream grew bigger and bigger everyday and finally now it's the time to make this dream a reality.

Our family worked hard to produce for you the best quality and to put literally  our dreams and passion in every piece.