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Jainavenue is a medium to serve the spiritual path of Jainism

The National Family Health Survey-5 carried out from 2019 to 2021 shows that almost a quarter of Indians between the ages of 15 and 49 (23%) are vegetarian. As the world’s second most populous country, extrapolating that to the larger population means that up to 32 crore people in India don’t consume meat or eggs in any form, which is almost equivalent to the entire population of the United States of America.

Jains all over the world have been proponents of Ahimsa and its practice. Yet we see many Jains overlook the truth and facts about different kinds of violence involved in their day-to-day living.For thousands of years people, the world over has sought to experience ahimsa as an inherent, living, active expression of God within. The term Ahimsa comes from the Sanskrit language which means non-violence or non-killing. When seen in a more positive context it means dynamic harmlessness or dynamic compassion.