jailpuff.com - Cigarettes in Prison | Jail Puff Maxx

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CHANGING CORRECTIONS ONE PUFF AT A TIME request product samples Adhesive Sealed End Pharmaceutical 5.4% NBV Grade Nicotine Bar Code Serial Number for Tracking Tamper Proof Sealed End Purple Lit Tip Battery Stress-Detector Security Feature ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE ANATOMY Proprietary Tracking Software Are you wondering, "Can you smoke cigarettes in prison?" When those cigarettes are from Jail Puff, then the answer is yes! Introducing Jail Puff, the leading provider of electronic cigarettes designed exclusively f

Additional features allow customers to track inventory, usage, and sales.

After years of testing products, we designed the BEST electronic cigarette exclusively for offenders. Featuring tamper-proof and adhesive security seals, proprietary tracking software, a lit tip, and pharmaceutical-grade nicotine. JAIL PUFF IS THE PRISON CIGARETTE BRAND OF CHOICE.