jagatgururampalji.com - Jagat Guru Rampal Ji: True Spiritual Leader & Avatar of the Supreme God - Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

Description: Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj is an avatar and true spiritual leader of the supreme god Kabir in the entire world. Also, he is a social spiritual reformer, religious guru, and founder of Satlok Ashram.

jagat guru rampal ji (4)

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In this mortal world which is no more than a fake fantasy that can end any second, people are busy accumulating enough of the world’s currency by hook or by crook. It is rightly said, that only the Real Saint can make us recollect the prime motive of getting a human life, which is to follow the true method of worship and landing back on the immortal abode, where there is no sorrow, no old age and most importantly, no death!

As the world is full of fake gurus who are playing negatively with the lives of devotees and possess no spiritual knowledge, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Real Saint who has set straight, the tangled path of worship, by letting us know the complete details about scripture based worship and the immortal land, Satlok! Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has provided authentic answers to all the questions that remained a mystery till now, such as -

The knowledge provided by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is soul purifying and every single thing told by Him, is backed up by numerous proofs from the Holy books of all religions.