jadewalker.org - Jade Walker

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The sound of healthy birdsong indicates an environment that can hold life and support growth. As acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton shares, the human range of sound is a perfect match for birdsong: humans are uniquely able to hear bird sounds. As our world is facing physical demise and our society is in a state of revolution, we are finding a need to listen more closely and with intention for that sweet song, a beacon, an alert, and a beautiful signal of safety. We are on the lookout for this place the birds

This site-specific installation was tucked into the Elisabet Ney Museum like a nest. A dividing structure asks the viewer to enter one door and face the bleak skeletons and thorny walls while the other entrance is filled with brightly colored woven pieces, symbolizing hope. Poised to battle while inviting a conversation, the installation calls attention to the posturing of Americans in the United States in 2021. The slingshot structures are made unusable by the woven insides while the wall treatment compose

To move from abandoned to repopulation in a town that straddles two counties denotes the theme of lines to be crossed and invites an entryway. Threshold, is a solicitation to return to an antiquated architecture that has been without life for many years. Bright color and new vantage points shine on new possibilities for the floors, walls and ethos of the sleepy town. It is not enough to open the door, the artwork holds the door and activates the windows to expose hard pasts but also possibilities for dialog

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