jade.ac.uk - JADE HPC UK

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The Joint Academic Data Science Endeavour (JADE) is an EPSRC funded Tier 2 facility supporting world-leading research in machine learning. The computational hub harnessed the capabilities of the NVIDIA MAXQ Deep Learning System and is comprised of 63 servers, each containing 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs linked by NVIDIA's NV link interconnect technology. The JADE facility aims to address the gap between university systems and access to national HPC services. This will drive forward innovation in machine learnin

JADE is a UK Tier-2 resource, funded by EPSRC, owned by University of Oxford and hosted at the Hartree Centre. The hardware was supplied and integrated by ATOS Bull. A consortium of UK universities and The Alan Turing Institute, led by the University of Oxford, has been awarded £5 million by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to continue the world leading research enabled by the Joint Academic Data science Endeavour (JADE) service. This forms part of a continued investment by EPS

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 63 NVIDIA MAXQ Deep Learning Systems comprising: 8 of NVIDIA's Tesla V100 GPUs NVIDIA's high-speed NVlink interconnect 4 TB of SSD for machine learning datasets over 1PB of DDN AI400 storage including 70TB of NVMe storage Mellanox EDR networking optimized versions of major machine learning software packages such as Caffe, TensorFlow, Theano and Torch system integration/delivery by Atos , hosting by STFC Hartree system management by Atos / STFC Hartree

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