jackrstanley.com - Mystry, Western, Political Fiction - Jack R. Stanley

Description: Fast moving, easy and fun reads for those who like character driven Texas mysteries, westerns, and political fiction novels. writer

Example domain paragraphs

  What if in the dark, small hours of a morning you discovered Secret Service agents at your front door telling you that you were now the President of the United States? That’s the way it happened to Porter Randall, a Texas Panhandle surgeon turned novelist who had been persuaded by friends to run for Congress for just a couple of terms. Could a non-politician without rampant ambition or a lust for power fulfill this office? What would happen to the country? Would he; could he make a real difference in the

  This novel begins only moments after the ending of The Reluctant President . A widowed Texas surgeon, Porter Randall, serving his second term in Congress has become the President of the United States, reluctantly at the sudden death of his predecessor. Giving a speech in support of his first State of the Nation address, the new Chief Executive was shot in a Milwaukee airport hangar. Vice President, Sundee Ives, former governor of New Hampshire, becomes Acting President as the President lays in an unrespon

    Porter Randall never wanted to be the President of the United States – the position was “thrust upon him.” The former Army then civilian surgeon turned medical thriller author, ran for Congress at the urging of friends and colleagues. Surprisingly he won and was in his second term when his whole world changed. At 3 AM he was awoken during a Christmas vacation and informed that according to the Act of Succession, he was immediately the President of the US. Now, after serving out the remainder of an elect