iverzh.com - Burke Rosen

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Hey there. I'm a neurosciences Ph.D. candidate in the lab of Prof. Eric Halgren at UC San Diego . My research is mainly focused on how the human cortex communicates with itself. I examine the structural connections that underpin this communication using diffusion MRI the functional correlativity that is it's hallmark by compositing spontaneous activity from intracranial depth electrode recordings in hundreds of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. My hope is that a better understanding of the full map of

I'm actively seeking a post-doctoral position. If you think we could do some cool work together, please contact me . Select Publications Rosen BQ, Halgren E (2022) An estimation of the absolute number of axons indicates that human cortical areas are sparsely connected. PLOS Biology 20(3): e3001575. Open Access , EurekAlert! , neurosciencenews Rosen BQ, Halgren E (2021) A Whole-Cortex Probabilistic Diffusion Tractography Connectome. eNeuro 8(1):ENEURO.0416-20.202. Open Access Dickey CW, Verzhbinsky IA, Jiang

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