- iTeach with iPads | Innovating learning and literacy with iPads

Description: Innovating learning and literacy with iPads

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Well, it’s been a while. I’m still here and I’m still teaching with iPads in kindergarten. I just haven’t been very good about sharing what we are up to. My intentions have been good…I mean, we will be working on something and I think, “Oh! I should blog about this!” and then I get busy doing other things.

In an effort to catch up a bit, I’ll give a brief overview of how we use the iPad devices as a daily tool rather than highlight a specific activity. If you’ve read the posts from 2022, you know I retired from the local school district and am now teaching kindergarten in a small church school. I have only 9 students with an assistant, and yes, it’s heaven (pun intended). Each of my students have an iPad and we use them daily After our calendar time, we have a station rotation time. My assistant and I have re

During our reading group time, we use the iPad to read some days. We have RAZ Kids and the kids enjoy reading stories on their devices. I also use the Whiteboard App to do some phonics activities. Early in the year, we use PopIts to tap out sounds in CVC words and then we use the Whiteboard App to write the words we’ve just sounded out. Then we move away from the PopIts and the kids just write the short 3 letter and then a bit later 4 letter words. Then we move on to short sentences. This really helps with

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