- Is That Yours

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If you got here accidentally by typing random things into Google while drinking a fifth of Jack all alone on a Friday night.this is the site for you. After watching the shenanigans of the four ladies in this show, you'll realize that your life is just fine.

"Is That Yours?" started as a Boston 48 Hour Film Project submission in 2008. After it won the Audience Choice Award and made the Best-of DVD, the idea was hatched to turn it into a comedy web series. And here we are.

"Is That Yours?" is written, directed, and produced by Anne Continelli and Deb Malone, who also star in it. Working with a dedicated and talented team of actors, cinematographers, editors and crew, Anne and Deb intend to provide a new episode every month until the show is sold to the highest bidder. To leave an offer, please click here.