- Friends of Isle au Haut Lighthouse

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Welcome to Isle au Haut, where our classic 1907 Victorian lighthouse guides you through a harbor rich in history and adventure. The Isle au Haut Lighthouse is best seen from the water, where the Isle au Haut mailboat  passes within a hundred feet of the tower. Plying the thoroughfare alongside passenger schooners and the local island fishing fleet, the mail boat makes daily summer trips to both the Isle au Haut town landing and Duck Harbor, where you will find the wilderness section of Acadia National Park.

Our village boasts a tiny post office,  The Island Store  (for groceries and sundries) and a fully-functional one-room schoolhouse.  Seasonally, the  Maine Lobster Lady  food truck and Shore Shop Gifts  provide delicious food and Maine-made gifts for island visitors.  Best of all for you lighthouse aficionados, the privately-owned Keeper’s House Inn provides lodging beside the lighthouse. There, you can enjoy sunsets over the Camden Hills and the lighthouse beacon guides mariners to safe harbor.

Inside the tower, a modest display of photographs and old documents leads you on a brief tour up to the lantern and the catwalk around it. Admission inside is limited to docent-guided tours or special occasions.