- Island Shack | Every day above ground is a good day

Description: Every day above ground is a good day

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With Spring Training well under way, I’m comforted once again knowing that my Red Sox are on the field working hard for another World Series trophy. But it’s not just a hope for another ring, I regard baseball as more than “just a game”. It has a magic all it’s own. It can be compared to life in many ways, and many metaphors about life have come from baseball. The game captures the essence of our existence, and there is no other sport like it.

Take it one step at a time. One pitch, one at bat, one inning, one game. It’s a daily existence, with ups and downs just like life. Sometimes you strike out, but you have to go on and put the past behind you. There will be another game, and every day is a new chance to win the game. But you have to maintain your performance and effort, and be ready for opportunities. Always swing hard, in case you hit it, and keep your head in the game.

As with life, you get multiple chances to succeed in every game. You can be behind and still come back and win. You can strike out three times in a row but hit one out of the park on the fourth and you’ve conquered the day and the strikeouts are forgotten. But don’t forget to appreciate the moment! Failure is part of the game though, and that must also be recognized. Even the greatest achievers fail, quite frequently. The best players in the world only hit the ball successfully a third of the time.