- Islamic School of Miami – Your local Miami Mosque and Sunday School

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Eid Salah: 1st Jamma'a @ 7:30 AM | 2nd Jama'a @ 9:00 AM. Entrance from 147th Ave | Exit from SW 120th ST. Please click Read More for additional details.

The Pillars of Islam (also known as “Pillars of Religion”) comprise of five core practices considered obligatory for all Muslims. A Muslim must satisfy these obligations in order to live a good and responsible life according to Islam.

The Shahadah (Declaration of faith) - Trusting and understanding the words of the Shahadah. The Shahadah means there is no other God except Allah (one God) and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the final Messenger/Prophet of Allah. As it is the key fundamental belief in Islam, a person choosing to embrace Islam must recite Shahadah sincerely.