- Human Is Not a Resource

Description: Explore practical strategies to nurture talent, cultivate a culture of innovation and agility, and create sustained growth in an increasingly competitive and borderless world. Receive tools to transfo...

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This program has been envisioned by Sadhguru around the key insight, “Human Is NOT A Resource”. Building on this insight, the program brings together thought leaders, business and HR practitioners to discuss practical steps to enable a paradigm shift from human beings as resources to human beings as possibilities. This shift is necessary for businesses to attract, retain and empower talent in an increasingly competitive and borderless world.

The program is best suited for CxOs, business and HR leaders. It offers a unique proposition of bringing CEOs and CHROs on the same platform to ‘build and enhance capacity’ for businesses as an HR-led capability. Over the years, Human Is NOT A Resource has seen participation from startups, family businesses, SMEs and large corporations. Focused on powering human potential in business, the program features open, participative and probing discussions with actionable perspectives.

The program will be held at the Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore.