- Iron Tech Lawyer Invitational | Institute for Technology Law & Policy | Georgetown Law

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Welcome to the Iron Tech Lawyer Invitational, an international competition for student-created tech solutions that help bridge the justice gap! Student teams from around the world showcase legal tech and data analysis tools they have developed to help improve access to justice.

The third annual Iron Tech Invitational 2022 was held virtually April 29, 2022. To qualify, the tools must have been completed for a pro bono organizational client, and developed in an academic course or supervised independent study over the course of the current academic school year.

The invitational is an open version of Georgetown’s Iron Tech Lawyer Competition, which has now been in operation for 12 semesters under the leadership of Georgetown Professor Tanina Rostain. Each year, Georgetown students create apps for pro bono organizational clients and face off in a intraschool competition just like the international invitational.