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Against staggering odds, Ford's Special Vehicle Team - under the mercurial leadership of automotive legend John Coletti - succeeds in creating their "Terminator," a muscle car destined for greatness.

"Like every other Mustang fan, as soon as I heard about this supercharged car I couldn't wait for it to be built." - William Clay Ford, Jr., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company

A factory supercharged Ford Mustang had long been on the wish list of muscle car fans, but it took the performance-driven passion of a single man to make it happen: O. John Coletti. Coletti? That was one name in the Ford Motor Company phone book guaranteed to stir up differing opinions among the huge auto manufacturer's upper management. Maverick or visionary? Tyrant or leader? One thing was certain about the mercurial Coletti: he had an unswerving faith in the value of high performance. And after almost si