- IRE Journals - International Science & Engineering Academic Research Journal

Description: IRE Journals is an international science and engineering journal. ISSN 2456-8880 approved best academic journal to publish research paper online. Publish academic research papers and scientific articles in international peer reviewed open access IRE journals.

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Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals) is an international academic, science and engineering journal for publishing full-length of research papers, scientific articles and review or survey papers. It covers all subject that fall under the wide variety of science and technology. IRE Journal is an ISSN approved, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed, refereed journal to publish research paper online. We provide indexing in Google Scholar,, issuu and many other.

Science & Engineering

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings.

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