iparikonyha.hu - Coninvest – 30 éve a konyhák elkötlezett szakértője

Description: 30 éve a konyhák elkötlezett szakértője

rational (127) konyha (95) belsőépítészet (74) biztonság (64) berkel (48) meiko (37) szakszerviz (6) angelo po (6) ergonómia (5) zöld megoldás (2)

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Since 1992, we have been assisting our customers professionally with interior design and industrial kitchen equipment, commercial kitchens, restaurants and hotels. Our work is characterized by the close intertwining of kitchen technology and interior design. Our secret of success is stable brands, high-quality equipment and an expert team. This triple unit is a real guarantee for our customers. Sustainability is important to us. We aren't just talking about it but making an effort for it. We believe that ou

With passion, together! We design the kitchens of restaurants, hotels, catering units. We also procure kitchen equipment and contract furniture for our clients. Nothing scares us, not even new challenges nor implement unique projects. We are here to make our customers dream come true. That is why we are present from the first ideas to the last touches. We are proud to show our projects and contented customers.

The FLOW Hotel & Conference**** is located in the heart of the country, just 28 km from the southern gateway of Budapest, directly connected to