- Spice up your imagination with invisible art. - Invizart

Description: Featured Selections Lauren Dreams of Queso (2011), Lauren Gurley, oil on canvas The yellow queso of Tex Mex cuisine was sadly absent from Lauren's quiet childhood in the craggly wasteland of Blanche Wyoming. Lauren ("la-ren") spent two months in deep meditation to stir up her inner longing for that sauce. See the dripping droplets of

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An online gallery for invisible art pieces. Plus cat art.

Close about gallery artists invisinudes (18+) Shop Open menu invizart originals cat art invisinudes (18+) cart checkout Featured Selections Lauren Dreams of Queso (2011), Lauren Gurley, oil on canvas The yellow queso of Tex Mex cuisine was sadly absent from Lauren’s quiet childhood in the craggly wasteland of Blanche Wyoming. Lauren (“la-ren”) spent two months in deep meditation to stir up her inner longing for that sauce. See the dripping droplets of cheese tease the plastic countertop of the old cantina.

Lauren is conspicuously absent from her fromatic ideation. However, recent art historians from the Wyoming vocational school have spotted a purple hair clip on the moldy tile, which they believe belonged to Lauren’s shih tzu “Taffy.”  Buy Lauren’s childhood nostalgia HERE.