- Into the Light - "The power to see into yourself with full clarity is the great gift of self knowledge."

Description: The value of an astrological 'Soul' reading is the self understanding it offers you, a comprehension that permits you to generate your own solutions to problems, offering tools to move forward with life's challenges with greater clarity and certainty.

birth chart (65) natal chart (39) astrology reading (37) self knowledge (34) evolutionary astrology (19) transits (18) solar return (10) compatibility chart (3) transit reading (3) astrological reading (2)

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ph: (520) 461-9229 evolve @intothel ightastro logy .com

is the great gift of self knowledge."

  The true value of astrology is the self awareness it offers you, a comprehension that permits you to generate your own solutions to problems, providing perspectives to move you forward  through  life's challenges  with  greater  clarity and certainty. The astrological chart  reading  gives you an objective mirror that allows you to take on a deeper questioning. This results in a clearer knowledge of yourself.