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39.834 games in the database

The International Computer Game Collection (Internationale Computerspielesammlung) is a project launched in collaboration with our partners, the Computer Game Museum (Computerspielemuseum), the German Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle – USK), the Digital Games Research Center for the University of Potsdam (DIGAREC) and their collection, game – the German Games Industry Association and the Foundation for Digital Games Culture (Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur),

By combining the software collections held by the Computer Game Museum, USK and DIGAREC with the archive of the German Computer Games Awards (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) in a two-stage process, we are creating one of the world’s most extensive and important collections, bringing together over 58,000 computer and video games.

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