- interCONNECTme – Verbundenheit als Grundlage von Beziehung und Kommunikation

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inter CONNECT me

Crea­ting Con­nec­ted­ness in Rela­ti­onships and Communication

Fee­ling con­nec­ted and the desi­re to belong are inna­te human needs. They are fun­da­men­tal aspects of ful­fil­ling rela­ti­onships. They are also key aspects of authen­tic and suc­cessful com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with our­sel­ves, our fri­ends and fami­ly or in our pro­fes­sio­nal lives. inter­CON­NECT­me refers to the mul­ti­face­ted and mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal natu­re of human beings and their rela­ti­onships. This trai­ning plat­form offers cour­ses dedi­ca­ted to crea­ting con­nec­ted­ness in rela­ti­onshi

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