- IntelOrca

Example domain paragraphs

A randomizer for all three classic Resident Evil games for PC. Supports randomized doors, with sophisticated key item placement, randomized non-key items, randomized enemies, randomized NPCs with matching random voices, and random background music. All highly configurable and easy to share seeds and configurations.

A 3D simulator for practising and performing change ringing on handbells built in collaboration over the course of 2020. Both the server and client are written in C# with the client built using Unity. UDP packets are transmitted for a fast and real-time connection between the performers.

An open-source clone of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion (2004) written in C++. I started the project at the beginning of 2018. Chris Sawyer's Locomotion was built on top of the RCT2 engine so much of the knowledge and code from OpenRCT2 can be used to re-write the game.