- In Steady Rotation – Essential Hip-Hop Listening. Period.

Description: Essential Hip-Hop Listening. Period.

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Essential Hip-Hop Listening. Period.

As we begin a new year with the government still shut down, American politicians still apologizing for white supremacy, and inner cities still embroiled in turmoil, the Age of Crisis carries on. And there's nothing better to complement my blog post than the Age of Crisis playlist. While I had hoped to have every track … Continue reading In Steady Curation: Hip-Hop in the Age of Crisis Playlist

In 1980, then California Governor Ronald Reagan visited Charlotte Street in the South Bronx while campaigning for the presidency. As he surveyed the piles of rotting trash, the rubble of collapsed buildings, and the mangled terrain of disrepair, he likened the South Bronx to a war zone. And indeed, the Bronx sat on the precipice … Continue reading Hip-Hop in the Age of Crisis

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