- Insider US Virtual Conference 2020

Description: Join us at Insider US Virtual Conference on Thursday, 14th May, right as the rubber will be meeting the road on the “rate on rate” question, to understand exactly what to expect from the market in 2020.

new york (12314) property (9867) insurance (9749) networking (5833) pricing (396) rate (375) casualty (93) (re)insurance (17) rate-on-rate (1) (re)insurance

Example domain paragraphs

There was a renewed sense of optimism in the global (re)insurance industry, with pricing finally rebounding after years of reducing rates and anaemic returns.

However the advent of Covid-19 has thrown the industry headfirst into a maelstrom of operational challenges, potentially significant losses and reputational risk.

The industry has faced enormous pressure from governments, lawmakers and the mainstream media to come to the rescue of the faltering economy – even if it means paying for a risk that hasn’t been priced for.