- Thoughts Journal –


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Hello Papa, I know that wherever you are, you can read this. Few months ago, when I learned that your situation wasn’t getting any better, I know I had to go home to see you. I am a nurse so I know that your condition was worsening. You probably felt it too, but knowing you, you did not tell us anything to prevent us from worrying. But I want you to know that I could see how your body was failing you and I could feel your suffering because I have seen so many patients suffer from it painfully when I was sti

You probably know by now, but I have been having a tough life. I have few savings, been skipping meals and I have been missing home so bad but won’t tell you because I do not want you and mama to worry. I have been losing my closest friends ever since I came here. Things at work weren’t well too. I was so overworked, misunderstood and left out but I did not complain (well, there were times when I tried to fight back but it did not lead to anything good so I stopped) because I have a family to support.

Despite my situation, I know I did everything that I have to do. I was truly blessed to have friends and a partner who have helped me (morally and financially) despite the pandemic situation here and back home during that time. They have lent me money so that I could buy the ticket to go home. I have experienced so many hurdles along the way but I am grateful to those people who patiently and continuously assisted me in every step of the way to get back to you safe. I may have spent all the savings and borr