- International Innovation Services

Description: International Innovation Services (Internacia Novigo Servoj) (IIS)" is focused on delivering new innovative products and services to combat global warming

flood (466) global warming (450) daniel mirfani (1) international innovation services (1) maurice gotz (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The world faces many global challenges arising from climate change and the decline of biodiversity.  Flooding, landslides, soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, declining fish stocks and population migration are all posing threats to economic, political and social stability across the world.

Climate change and the associated environmental depredation constitute major threats to countries and communities around the world. 

Our aim is the creation and exploitation of intellectual property, with a view to delivering products and processes that mitigate the worst effects of extreme weather and other consequences of climate change for communities in different parts of the world.