- Inner Visions of CLeveland

Example domain paragraphs

How We Are Different We don’t want your money. Well, maybe just a little bit of it. We would rather have ten people give $100 than a single $1,000 contribution. Why? Because we would rather have ten people involved with a project instead of just one. That’s ten people working towards a shared goal -- accepting and supporting their neighbors’ visions for a better Cleveland. You can see why one of our mottos is Small Bucks Bring Big Change.

How We Do It Our role isn’t just to connect people from both ends of the economic spectrum. We actively seek out residents with both simple and complex project ideas that will help to build better neighborhoods.

We meet them at community events, through referrals, word-of-mouth, and partnering with other non-profit organizations and other leadership groups. We even read about people in the newspaper and then seek them out.