- Inkblot Life – Making Sense and Nonsense Out of Life

Description: Making Sense and Nonsense Out of Life

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Making Sense and Nonsense Out of Life After listening to Skye Jethani's interview with Aaron Damiani on his book I knew I wanted to read it. I was excited to see it as an option to review for Moody Publishing. I received a copy to read, and the following is my review. This book reminded me of Lauren Winner's Mudhouse … Continue reading Earth Filled with Heaven (Book Review) →

This is the "been quite a while" edition. I used to attempt a weekly daybook to capture life a bit. I miss writing here. I am in a different season, so I am learning to accept what that looks like. I spend more time sharing beauty, quotes, and quick thoughts on Instagram at inkblotlife.com_peggy. Part … Continue reading Daybook →