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Example domain paragraphs

Receiving a burn injury on a job can be a devastating experience. Such an injury can cause various physical complications that hinder daily activities and work performance. It can also result in mental and emotional distress that can affect one’s overall well-being. However, knowing what to do after getting a burn injury can make all […]

Of two Wikipedia entries, which do you think is longer? This is a fun little contest that can easily become addictive. For example “Measles” or “Brain-computer interface”? Spoiler — it’s the second entry.

The Washington Post reports on traffic deaths in 2021: Road deaths soared more than 10 percent in 2021, compared with a year earlier, reaching 42,915, according to estimates released Tuesday by federal transportation officials. It was the highest number of fatalities nationwide since 2005. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reported that it was […]