- Infografix - Your Apple Mac Guru

Description: A full service technical consultancy serving Pensacola and the Emerald Coast, as well as Metro Atlanta. Offering network solutions and support with a keen focus on creative industries.

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A good Mac guy is hard to find. So is finding tech support that understands the needs of creatives. Info://grafix offers expertise from a background in both worlds.

Creatives "Think Different," as Apple coined the phrase. We do our best work on the best computer platform available. But that has often led to creatives either being their own resource for technical support, or putting it in the hands of stuffed shirt PC geeks who claim to know the Mac based on a two-week training boot camp. A veteran of the creative design industry, Principal Consultant Todd Johnson began info://grafix to provide the latest technical support and know-how to creative businesses. When you h

Implementing an Apple-centric network, or keeping your current one running at peak performance, large studio or single workstation, we’ve gone above and beyond to so all of the above for every size office in between.