- Indian Reader

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*New - SIGNS - New* Breaking News | Warriors Pages | Features | Indian Studies | Letters | Native American Church | Néishté Kiva | Counterpoint | Friends & Resources | Index to Sites | Messages To and From the Red Warriors A lot is happening in Indian world. The Indian Reader intends to present issues that concern the commonalty of all earth-dwellers.

In a time of "who is the most powerful" and "who controls the most," the focus of earth-dwellers should be that of individuals living harmoniously on a small planet.

Already too much emphasis is placed on human difference - the breach of peace, the conflict of existence. How much of this do we as individual earth-dwellers cause, and how much is caused by superpowers? Mother Earth continually goes through its life-affirming processes which allows us the latitude to complicate her design. Indian "earth-dwelling" values and ethics are needed at a world level. A number of nations lesser than the superpowers' illusion face reality on a day-to-day basis. These are our kin, fo

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