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When cooking authentic Indian foods, it’s only appropriate to have the correct spices.Here you can find commercial ovens in Saudi Arabia . Otherwise, you’re forced to use substitutes, or leave out the spice altogether. When this happens your authentic Indian dish is now lacking essential ingredients that give the Indian cuisine its trademark aroma and tastes.

Since the spices used are the distinguishing factors between Indian cuisine and other Asian cuisines, it’s important to get it right, and make sure your pantry is stocked with these five must-have Indian spices. Once these are in your pantry, you’ll be equipped to prepare a wide vary of Indian foods.

Novices are often wary of attempting to cook Indian foods due to the spice mixes and array of spices used in single dishes. Spices in Indian cuisines give off the perception of being complex, resulting in them seeming intimidating to those who enjoy Indian foods, but are too wary to attempt to cook them themselves. To add to the complexity, not only are there many spices that could possibly be used, but different spices can be used in a variety of ways. For example, spices that are found as seeds can be use