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Description: Incinolet electric incinerating toilet incinerates all human waste immediately to clean, germ-free ash, as little as a tablespoonful each use. INCINOLET is easy to install and can be used in any climate.

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Example domain paragraphs

INCINOLET electric incinerating toilet incinerates all human waste immediately to clean, germ-free ash, as little as a tablespoonful each use. Raw waste is not accumulated and is not seen. Water is not used in this toilet and nothing is drained out. INCINOLET is easy to install and can be used in any climate. INCINOLET is an economical choice compared to other incinerating systems and is designed to be easily serviced and repaired on site (no shipping away for service).

EFFICIENCY - INCINOLET uses electric energy efficiently - demands power only after its use and may remain unused for months without ill effect.

site design by side effects - all materials ©2009 Incinolet