- Wonder World of Toys - Welcome to Wonder World of Toys, your one-stop destination for a universe filled with boundless joy and c

Description: Welcome to Wonder World of Toys, your one-stop destination for a universe filled with boundless joy and creativity! Here at Wonder World, we believe that play is the essence of childhood, where imaginations soar and lifelong skills are nurtured. Our online toy store has been meticulously curated to bring together an extensive collection of toys and games that inspire learning, spark imagination, and fuel endless hours of fun. We offer a diverse array of educational toys, engaging puzzles, action-packed figu

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첫 번째는 기본 자세와 그립을 익히는 것이에요. 퍼터를 잡을 때 손목과 팔은 자연스럽게 펼쳐져야 하고, 몸은 편안한 자세로 서야 해요. 그립은 손에 알맞게 잡고, 공을 정확하게 타격할 수 있도록 해야 해요.