- The Improbability Principle

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Navigation Menu Home The Laws Demonstration The Book Tales of Strange Coincidences Improbable Links! The really unusual day would be one where nothing unusual happens… O n 12 March 1951, a new character made his debut in the British comic The Beano . His name was Dennis the Menace, a boy who got into all sorts of scrapes. A few hours later on 12 March 1951, on the other side of the Atlantic, a new syndicated newspaper comic strip appeared, also featuring Dennis the Menace.  But these Dennis the Menaces were

T his website has been created to accompany and support the latest book from Professor David Hand – “The Improbability Principle”. As well as offering information about the book itself, the site contains information and articles about various aspects of probability theory and statistics.

David J. Hand is emeritus professor of mathematics and a senior research investigator at Imperial College London. He is the former president of the Royal Statistical Society and the chief scientific adviser to Winton Capital Management, one of Europe’s most successful algorithmic-trading hedge funds. He is the author of many books, including The Information Generation: How Data Rules Our World and Statistics: A Very Short Introduction , and has published more than three hundred scientific papers. Hand lives