- Immigration Revelation

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Fiona & Carolina sit down with our longtime client and friend, Mert Iseri, CEO of SwipeSense. Listen to his experience growing up in Istanbul, Turkey, and the life-changing moment that made him make the 180 degree turn on his plans abroad in order to move to the U.S., and in the end, propelling him to found the life-saving healthcare company, SwipeSense. Before the coronavirus pandemic, "hospital acquired infections" were the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. While the seriousness of such an issue m

Global changes in technology, lifestyle, and even the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, have all transformed the way we give. Meet Walle Mafolasire, the brilliant Nigerian-born U.S. immigrant who is addressing those changes head on with his company, Givelify . With its easy-to-use app, Walle and the Givelify team are bridging the gaps between organizations and their members, as well as the untapped millions of donors seeking easier ways to give and make this world a kinder place.

Walle is an inspirational testament to the wealth, strength, and importance of our immigrant communities. In this episode, you'll hear from Walle himself, who credits the diversity of his communities around him throughout his life in the U.S. as the driving force behind his successes.