ijlll.com - International Journal of Language, Linguistics & Literature

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International Journal of Language, Linguistics & Literature (IJLLL) is an peer-reviewed, and refereed journal published by International Center for Promoting Knowledge (ICPK), USA.  IJLLL is an open access Journal. The main objective of IJLLL is to provide an intellectual center for the international scholars. IJLLL aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Language, Linguistics & Literature and become the leading journal in Language, Linguistics & Literature in the world. IJLLL also invites the analysis

International Journal of Language, Linguistics & Literature (IJLLL) Frequency: Quarterly  Nature: Print and Online Submission E-mail: [email protected] Language of Publication: English

The journal publishes research papers in the all the fields of language, literature and linguistics such as fundamentals of languages, ELT, the sounds and words of language, structures and meanings, language and gender, sociolinguistics, English syntax, historical linguistics, origins/evolution of language, experimental linguistics, phonology, endangered/minority languages, language and nature, communicative strategies, linguistic anthropology, linguistic analysis, language and alienation, Hispanic linguist

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