igakidsclub.com.au - What Is An Overbite And How Is It Corrected? | What Is An Overbite and How Is It Corrected?

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Have you noticed your upper jaw is significantly protruding from your lower jaw? You might have an overbite, which is a common condition for many people. Whilst most adults like to undergo some form of treatment to address the dental condition as well as straighten their smile, it’s not necessary unless you have more severe symptoms of an overbite.

If you have a mild overbite, you might be able to treat it without time-consuming and costly trips to your orthodontist as there are various treatment options available. However, it’s best to consult with your orthodontists for professional advice first. 

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth. It can also occur if you have a small lower jaw, which can push the upper jaw forward. A mild overbite can result in the upper teeth covering half of the lower teeth. However, a severe overbite can result in the upper jaw covering the lower jaw completely, which can also lead to a deep bite where the top teeth and lower jaw are completely misaligned causing jaw problems.