- IEP Direct - Best-of-Class Special Education and IEP Software

Description: IEP Direct is customized for state-specific special education requirements, aligned with best practices and configurable for school district?s unique needs.

new york (12314) ny (6988) special education (365) cse (221) iep (147) evaluations (142) cpse (9) sirs (7) eligibility determination nysde

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By joining a larger organization that serves more than 7,500 school districts, we’ll be able to expand our resources to provide even better solutions for special education.

IEP drafting… evaluations and eligibility determination… CSE/CPSE meeting schedules and invitations… timeline tracking and compliance… due process and procedural safeguards… NYSED Special Education requirements… NY Statewide Data Warehouse/SIRS extracts… confidentiality of information. 

Throughout the Special Education process, the time and burden of administrative tasks and paperwork are growing while staff resources are getting tighter.