- Craft Idre Fjällmaraton - Upplev känslan av att vara oslagbar Craft Idre Fjällmaraton

Description: Ditt utmanande fjällopp i Sveriges sydligaste renbetesområden. 8km, 18 km, 28 km, 45 km. Upplev känslan av att vara oslagbar!

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We think it's everybody's right to some time feel invincible. Not in comparison to someone else, but in relation to yourself. Invincible, since you accomplished something you didn't think was possible. Because you had the courage to do something you didn't think you could do. Because you went out there, in unknown fields and won. Won over that little voice saying you can't.

The trail has demands. It requires you to have active feet, to fend off rocks and roots. The trail forces you to use your strength to climb the mountain. The trail gives you flow when moving smoothly in the terrain. The trail gives you views over mountains, forests and the blue horizon in the distance.

Deep down in the valley Foskdalen, many kilometers from where the road ends, lays Ola Påhlsson’s fäbod. Here, he has spent his summers since he was a child. Surrounded by the mountains and the forest, with silence and peace of mind.

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