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Sverrir Sveinn Sigurdarson (or call him Sven, since the name is even more difficult to say than the famous Eyjafjallajokull volcano of 2010 fame) is a creative guy with background in visual arts, design, writing, strategic thinking and  videography, and has a Cand. Oecon. degree in business administration with emphasis on marketing, from the University of Iceland. The Cand. Oecon. degree takes 4 years of study and thus is like a 3 years B.S. degree and then some.

Sven likes to create new ideas and solutions, just like others like to watch football and try to play football (no pun attempted). From time to time an idea has been born, and another, and another… Question is:

Some of these are of the past, some are currently being worked on. Some are just for the giggle. But some of them could actually become viable business. But Sven doesn’t have time to implement them. The answer:

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