ictms2019.org - Welcome to ICTMS 2019

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The fourth biennial conference of IntACT ( Int. Assoc. of Computed Tomography ), ICTMS 2019, will bring together scientists from universities, research organisations, and industry, to discuss 3D/4D tomographic imaging and analysis methods for (non-clinical) studies of materials and structures as well as their evolution.

Australia has a strong tomography community with a long commitment to GeoX and ICTMS, with research groups active in theory, algorithms and hardware . Australian developments include lab-based micro and ultra-micro CTs (some commercialised e.g. Gatan XuM, FEI Heliscan); imaging and XRF beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron (AS), a recently commissioned neutron imaging facility, high-end TEM systems, along with numerous applications groups with sophisticated 3D analysis techniques. We hope that hosting the

Official abstract submission to ICTMS 2019 is now closed. However, we are now accepting submission of "last-minute" posters to be displayed at the conference. Please visit the registration page for details.