ichthyosis.nl - Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network - Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network

Description: Ichthyosis wordt in het zakwoordenboek der geneeskunde beschreven als: visschubbenziekte, hardnekkige aangeboren huidaandoening met schubvorming.

netherton (17)

Example domain paragraphs

Global Ichthyosis Syndrome Network F oundation

Ichthyosis. In the Pocket Dictionary of medicine it is described as: 'fish scales disease, persistent congenital skin condition by scale formation'.

In Ichthyosis is the balance between the production of new skin cells and the molting of the skin is disrupted. Ichthosis is hereditary or caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation. The skin can create too many new skin cells or cells cannot peel easily. That leads to a disruption in the normal skin process of creation and breakdown. This gives scales on the skin.

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