- 13th ICETD 2023|International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development

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What is ICETD? The 13th International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development (ICETD 2023) is a leading academic event that this year will take place on 26-28 May 2023 in Taizhou, China . Why should you join ICETD? Because this is a unique opportunity to network with the leading minds from around the world, receive feedback on your research, share your findings, and meet fellow academics. How can you join the international conference on economics, trade and development(ICETD)? There are so many ways

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, Online/Video Presentation are acceptable on the conference. Online presentation session will be arranged accordingly. Please contact the conference secretary for more information about Online/Video Presentation. Participants are required to wear face mask when attending the conference. And conference staff will check the body temperature and take other active action.

If you submitted a full paper, your paper will be through two rounds of reviewing, including the a plagiarism check and a peer-to-peer review by the relevant professional of the conference committee. Generally, the whole review procedure will take 2-4 weeks (or more).

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