icapartners.com - International Christian Association - Home

Description: The International Christian Association (ICA) exists to help, love and encourage persecuted Christians.

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A number of organizations around the world trace their roots to Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand's testimony and mission. These organizations continue the Wurmbrands' mission of standing with persecuted Christians and urging other Christians to join in fellowship with the persecuted. Each mission is autonomous with its own independent leadership, staff and board of directors, but they cooperate through the International Christian Association (ICA).

While each country's mission has its own focus and management, through the ICA they share information and jointly fund international projects. Each office is funded through donations. There is no world headquarters or main office as each organization is an independent, self-supported entity.

If you live in one of the countries below, we encourage you to contact the office in your nation for more information about their work with persecuted Christians: