ibancurdu.com - Iban Curdu

Description: Almost a decade of experience in the Digital Design field — working on products for the last 5 years. Continuously improving on how to build the right things right. Passionate about atomic design/research, continuous discovery/delivery practices, and DesignOPS.

Example domain paragraphs

Almost a decade of experience in the Digital Design field — working on products for the last 5 years. Continuously improving on how to build the right things right. Passionate about atomic design/research, continuous discovery/delivery practices, and DesignOPS.

Case Studies

Optimizing Client Support: A Year of data-driven solutions for faster resolutions and satisfied Customers 2 Front-end, 2 backend, 1 Product Manager & Me User Research and UX Design to enhance a creative community metrics and explore new business opportunities User Research and UX Design to enhance a creative community metrics and explore new business opportunities Me + Product Designer + Project Manager + Copywritters Improving teamwork, cycle times, and visual consistency by leading the implementation of a