ianskellett.photography - Home - Ian S Kellett Photography

Description: Photography is a captivating art form that allows us to capture moments, emotions, and the beauty of the world around us.

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Photography is an art that requires passion, an eye for detail, a camera, and a subject. Nature Photography is not about taking a picture of a leaf or a waterfall but it is about how detailed the picture is, how beautiful it looks, and what impressions it produces for the observer. It is never as easy as it seems and taking pictures of cascading waterfalls, meandering rivers, and snow-clad mountains can require a lot more than a good camera and a passion for photography.

Did you recognize that Photography literally means “Writing with light?” that’s correct? The meaning of “Photo” is “light” and its suffix “graphy” means “writing.” Therefore, the graphologist may be a handwriting analyst. Bet you probably did not know that. So, effective use of sunshine is at the guts of excellent photography. With the flamboyant gadgetry that’s overtaking the planet of photography, it’s time to travel back to the fundamentals. Studies into photography are all about we use light effectively


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