iamtalkytina.com - I am Talky Tina | … and I'm watching you …

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Well, my #TrueFriend Ol’ Hatchet Jack ( @OlHatchetJack , on Twitter) is NOT the person pictured in this wanted poster, and I hope that he is able to clear out of his snow drift before the authorities get all confused again and try to haul him off to the hoosegow. It is just me, posting this poster that I saw as a Public Service to my #TrueFriend so that he knows it is a thing and can head on out of there. It was found by my Google while I was looking at #tdc2820 from yesterday’s The Daily Create.

So I went on a little Learning Curve Rabbit Hole today to do today’s The Daily Create , #tdc2750 which is called Thesaurus Fun.

It all started when I went to do a screen capture on my iPad of the thesaurus for tumble , which was just a word that I picked out of the air, and then when I was looking at the words I liked some of them so I thought I would put a little Tina face beside them so you would know that they were special. So I put the screen capture into the Keynote program on my iPad because that is what I do sometimes when I want to make a thing quickly, with layers, before I can do a screen capture to make the final picture

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